Assists with hip extension to align the pelvis in the frontal plane. Fits all current Kaye Posture Control Walkers and PostureRest Walkers with seats.
Read more...Assists with hip extension to align the pelvis in the frontal plane. Fits all current Kaye Posture Control Walkers and PostureRest Walkers with seats.
Read more...Appropriate for users who have difficulty staying centered in walkers. Fits all current Kaye Posture Control Walkers, PostureRest Walkers and Red Walkers.
Read more...For users who need additional shoulder girdle support; or cannot extend their arms and sustain grasp while taking weight on their arms.
Read more...Limits the amount that the swivel wheel can turn. Without the swivel limiter, the swivel wheels can swivel 360 degrees.
Read more...Provides resistance to forward motion of the Kaye Posture Control, Posture Rest or Anterior Support walkers. Can be retrofitted to all Kaye “B”, “C”, “H” or “Y” frame walkers.
Read more...Designed to comfortably hold clients when they are suspended in the Kaye Suspension Walkers, Models SW1, SW7 and all Kaye Posture Control Walkers with Suspension Accessories, Models SC1, SC2, SC3 and SC4.
Read more...These attach to existing B-series Kaye Posture Control Walkers and allow the walkers to function as “partial weight bearing” or suspension walkers.
Read more...Provides a resting place for children and young adults who prefer the “B” or “C” frame walker style but still want a seat. These seats fold up for walking and down for sitting.
Read more...Accessorize and personalize your walker with Walker Decals that can be wrapped around the frame of your walker. The decals, which are easy to apply and remove, are sold in lengths of six feet (two 36″strips) and are available in many colors and designs.
Read more...Prevents scissoring or excessive leg adduction during walking and standing. Will fit any “B” frame Posture Control Walker and can be easily added or removed based on the child’s needs and therapy goals.
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Storage racks for therapy balls and rolls. Wall mounted. Includes mounting hardware. Two sizes, see the table below. Model Number Size, W … [Read More...]